
Mothers in the Workplace

categories: HR Tips, News
mothers in the workplace

How to Better Accommodate Working Moms

Stay-at-home-moms are becoming a lifestyle of the past. With close to 60 million mothers currently in the workplace, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, companies are now finding ways to benefit and support this pivot in the industry.

There are several regulations currently in place for both pregnant women and new mothers in the workplace. So, first step first, ensuring your business understands the laws that revolve around protecting mothers and their standing in the workplace. Small businesses without an exclusive HR team can oftentimes lose sight of what is lawfully needed to these individuals.

Pregnant Job Applicants  

According to the Pregnancy Descrimination Act, you are not able to discriminate against pregnant women during the hiring process. They are to be treated like any other candidate with a fair chance to the position available.

Accommodating Pregnant Employees 

Pregnant employees are protected by the ADA, FMLA, state family leave, sick leave and civil rights laws. Are you aware of these?  

Employers are not able to force light duty, reduced schedules or leaves on pregnant employees, no matter how good your intention is. You as the employer should not worry about the health of the employee or unborn child, leave that to the employee.

Do not provide special treatment for pregnant employees, only fair treatment. If a pregnant employee is disabled by pregnancy, they must be treated the same as employees you are disabled by something else.

New Mothers Returning To Work 

Employers are required to provide reasonable break time for an employee to express breast milk for their nursing child for one year after the child’s birth each time such employee has a need to express the milk. Employers must provide a place, other than a bathroom, that is shielded from view and free from intrusion from coworkers and the public, which may be used by an employee to express breast milk.

Additional Support For Mothers In The Workplace 

Women working around table happy

Beyond the laws and regulations, companies are finding ways to provide support and embrace mothers in their company culture. From flexible schedules, extended leave and welcome back programs, there are plenty of ways to generate an environment for parents. This also provides an edge for your company seeking top-notch employees and retaining current team members.


Our team of HR experts is able to guide you through the numerous regulations and protections that are in place for mothers in the workplace.


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